Discover places to explore - the STYCH way!

Discover places to explore - the STYCH way!

The fun part of the year is predominantly associated with our travel days. Travel has become an essential component of our lives offering a way to relieve stress, rejuvenate, be with nature, build perspective on life, meet new people and learn more about the world.

Everyone looks forward to travelling, but generally, a travel plan that comes after effort & time results in a better trip. This isn’t to say impulsive plans don’t offer as much joy. Nevertheless, in both these cases, you have to make choices, based on whatever information you can find, and that is where Stych can help you.

We know there's a dearth of quality and up-to-date information about exploring places on the internet. And even if you find a good resource, you’re not really sure if the information is still relevant. Places shut down, timings change, names change and sometimes it really depends on the seasons. Accuracy is affected as most of the information available ends up being static when it needs to be dynamic as various factors affect the functioning of the points of interest. For example, the ideal time to visit a place like Manchanabele Dam, near Bangalore, is from October to March and the charm would be missing in summer.

There are many places that go unexplored as well. Through Stych, you can discover places based on verified information, build your collection, share plans with friends & family, get directions, and the length of your travel on a map-like interface.

Currently, there are places and things to discover in Bangalore. Check it out in our web app: and let us know your thoughts. You can always suggest areas that you would want us to include through this link or WhatsApp us at +91 8073420377!

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